
Repetitive work? A breeze when you have smart workflows

some of Peaka integrations

Focus on what you love doing. Automate everything else.


Eliminate manual work from processes. Minimize the risk of human error and lost time during handoff. Accelerate execution.


Save hundreds of staff hours every week that would otherwise be spent on routine tasks.

peaka flow schema

Your back-end and front-end actions streamlined for you


Minimize the gap between your front-end and back-end right out of the gate without the need for any external tools.


Harmonize your back-end and front-end actions for a seamless integration.

some of peaka flow nodes

Set your triggers once and let Peaka handle the rest


Set triggers to automatically send notifications, create new records, or update tables every time you edit a data entry.


Identify the actions you want to be taken upon certain user behavior, and leave it to Peaka to move prospects through the marketing funnel for you.

trigger event of peaka flow
Explore Peaka and see how you can bring your SaaS data together
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